
Showing posts from January, 2022

My Group.... Or lack Thereof

 For the final task, I decided to work alone for a multitude of different reasons. My partner for the last 2 projects, Naeemah left the school, so I unfortunately don't have the chance to work with her again. I don't really know anyone else in my level of the class, and I don't really want to jeopardize my grade by working with a stranger, whose work ethic I don't know.  Besides, working with myself allows me to have complete creative control over the project, as the only person I have to compromise with is myself. In group projects, there is sometimes a clash of concepts and ideas, which makes it hard to come up with one thing to stick to, as you have to please everyone. Working by yourself eliminates that problem.  Many people find it lonely, but I actually like working by myself sometimes. It makes things easier to coordinate, as you don't have to work around anyone else's schedules. You can do the project however you'd like to, and feel proud of your own...

Hello Again!

 Hello, it's me again! My name's Olivia Sadler and I'm in AICE Media Studies. I'm really excited to work on the final task. Working on the 2 other projects this year, and honing my cinematography skills makes me really confident in my abilities to produce a good project. The other 2 projects, the commercial and the music video, we're really fun to make, but they didn't allow you to create an original story. Yes, the music video let you show a story, but it was probably best to stick with the lyrics. I'd like to think of myself as a creative person, and this project let's me have full control of the story being told. I really can't wait to work on it!