My Group
Hi. My group for the music video project just consists of two of us. Me and my friend Naeemah. We've been really good friends since 8th grade, where we had half of our classes together, so I know we can work well together. I met her through a mutual friend who was in one of our classes in 8th grade, and we meshed well so it lasted. We're now both in 11th grade, and have had a few classes together throughout high school.
We're both creative people, so I have no doubt that we'll come up with cool ideas. We both like reading, and coming up with story ideas. I really enjoy being around her and I'm glad we have the chance to work on such creative projects together. I know that this project is going to be interesting, and fun, as we are both creative minds that can come up with cool ideas. With it just being the two of us, It may be difficult to come up with out of the box ideas, as more brains means more unique ideas, but it also makes it less likely to have conflicting thoughts.
I personally like group projects, especially when they are with friends, as I get distracted easily by myself, and they help to keep me on track. It also stops me from procrastination or slacking off, as it's not just my grade, and I'm actually enjoying a project. We've done many group projects together, so I know we'll both be pulling our equal weight, and we'll get a good score for it. I'm excited to actually start the filming part of our music video, as it will be fun to see how it turns out. We'll probably need to get someone else to be in the film, as we're both camera shy, but who knows? Maybe this will help us both adjust to being on film. It will be interesting to see what we end up creating. I have so many ideas already and we haven't even chosen a song yet. I guess that's a good thing though. An imaginative mind, let alone two, is exactly what we need for this project.
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