Genre Research: Adventure

The Adventure genre focuses on protagonists going on personal journeys, whether it's a physical, cross-world adventure, or a mental one. Common elements of this genre are, storytelling, travelling, and searching for the "unknown".

Common Camera Angles, Movement, and Shots used in this genre-

  • High and low angles are used to show power and the lack of it.
Common Mis-En-Scene used in this genre- 
  • The acting is an integral part of ALL films, but it is especially important in action films, as characters' emotions and activities heavily impacts what happens in these films.

Common Sound present in this genre-
  • Sound Motifs help enhance the viewers experience while watching a film, as they can associate different sounds with different characters and settings, which makes it interesting to hear when they come together.

Common Editing present in this genre-
  • Cutaways are common in this genre, especially when focusing on multiple characters in multiple different setting, maybe to show how they are going to cross paths.

Adventure Movies-
Spiderman: No Way Home
Black Panther


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