Genre Research: Fantasy
The Fantasy genre focuses on the impossible, extraordinary things. The most common elements of this genre are mythology and folklore, magic, and exotic, mystical places.
Common Camera Angles, Movement, and Shots used in this genre-
- Low angles are used to emphasize powerful characters.
- Tracking shots are used to follow characters during the film.
- Establishing shots are used to show the setting and any fantastical elements in it.
Common Mis-En-Scene used in this genre-
- The setting is arguable one of the most important aspects of fantasy, as many films in this genre take place in magical or fantastical worlds.
- Costume are also an important part of worldbuilding for fantasy films, as they have to make sense for the region and resources present where the film is taking place, and a bad costume could break the immersion in the film.
Common Sound present in this genre-
- Incidental music and a personalized scores are used to enhance certain scenes and to create a sense of wonder.
Common Editing present in this genre-
- Cross cutting is used throughout this genre, especially during fantastical fight scenes, to show tension and different scenes simultaneously.
Fantasy Movies-
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
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