Genre Research: Jungle Cruise
Jungle Cruise uses high angles to show situations where the characters are not in power, or are less powerful than what they are facing. This film uses zooming to make the characters stand out against to lush, wild background. The jungle is an important part of the movie, so they use wide shot to showcase it along with the characters and their interactions with it. Ambient sound is used to to enhance the immersion of the movie, letting the audience feel like a part of the movie. They use eye-line matches to show the character's reactions to big, important scenes in the movie.
The costumes in Jungle Cruise lets the character's situations and personalities shine through, for example, the main female character wears pants in a time period where it frowned upon for women, showing her independence. The lighting varies based on the scene, but it is often bright to create an upbeat mood. The acting in this movie is a mix of serious and comedic to make an enjoyable movie with an intricate plot. The movie is set in the Amazon, especially on the river, which is an important part to the plot. It's wild but intricate nature is a perfect setting for a fantasy movie involving ancient magic.
Fantasy elements I liked about this movie was the inclusion of magic and ancient storytelling. That is one of my favorite parts of fantasy movies and I enjoyed the inclusion of it in this movie. An element I found cliche, rather than disliked, was the plot twist of the skipper being a magical being. It makes sense to the story, but I found it to be very predictable, as it is pretty common in the fantasy genre.
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