Genre Research: Maleficent Mistress of Evil

    As Maleficent is seen as a very powerful camera, low shots are often used to indicate this. During the movie, Maleficent flies through the air a lot, and they follow her through the air by using tracking shots.Establishing shots are used in most movies, but in Mistress of Evil, the establishing show off the beautiful worlds created for this movie. The score of this movie captures the grandness of its classic roots, and reshapes it in a way that represents the movie's tone and setting. There are 2 main storylines happening throughout most of the movie, and crosscutting is used to show them occurring at the same time.

    The costumes in this movie are very intricate and complex, as they involve both royal, medieval clothing, and more fantastical elements. The lighting varies throughout this movie, but a prominent feature is the darker lighting, which give a mysterious and distrustful tone. The makeup and prosthetics are used to further chance the fantastical themes of the film. This movie is set in a world with both medieval and magical kingdoms, which are both very common in the fantasy genre.

    What I like about this movie and other fantasy movies is the intricate world building. The mythical setting and limitations on what can and can't happen in the world are very fascinating. An element I personally don't like about this movie and others in this genre is the dark lighting. I understand that it is important in creating a dark and mysterious mood, but it also makes it harder to see the details and expressions on the actors' faces.


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